Sunday, December 5, 2010

Perfecto Imperfections

There were a zillion times
i aspired for a perfect life
a perfect childhood, perfect friends
perfect college, perfect education
perfect relationships..

in all of them one thing was common
it was beautiful and meaningful
only 'coz it wasnt perfect..
if it were all so perfect and proper
life would have been boring

each incomplete and imperfection
taught me tolerance and acceptance
if life could be all as i wished
wouldnt life get all fuzzy

love life with all it's
clumsiness and ambiguities.
'coz it adds a flavor and spice
which makes it delicious!
makes each day memorable and special..


  1. wonderful...! U r growing in wisdom @ a faster pace now ;) ;) ;)

  2. Nice one shreya. Life seems beautiful jus bcos of those tiny imperfections. Imperfection is perfect!!! :)

  3. @Pramod...yup :)
    @GS: yeah true.. :)

  4. Unless until u aspire for perfection, u never know what it is.
    Life is beautiful only when I see the beauty in perfection/imperfection.Otherwise neither will reveal the beauty.
    each incomplete and imperfection
    taught me tolerance and acceptance
    counter also true if I learn the taught lesson.
    I accept the incomplete and imperfection by understanding the self limit.

  5. awesome... !!

    each incomplete and imperfection
    taught me tolerance and acceptance

    superb lines..:))

  6. wow .....meaningful with a flow to it...nice ....keep it up!!

  7. @sakthi...amazing insight...
    @akatma and sunil...thanks a lot! :)

  8. Perfection is an illusion...
    Imperfection is its factual realization :)
