Thursday, October 22, 2009


I have always wondered what best challenges me.
After continious trial and error with myself, i realized, the only one who can challenge my abilities is myself. Irrespective of the end result, you win.
The fact that you challenge yourself is a way upwards in the scale of improvement.
Simple things like consciously doing certain things, like maybe being quiet for as long as you can; or controlling your thoughts; controlling your behaviour in a situation.
A human mind is always moulded to behave in certain ways in a given situation. As kids, we never exert restrain on our emotions or our behaviour. If imposed, the natural reaction is to oppose it. One of my teachers once said "Forbidden fruit is the sweetest"!!
I wonder why is the mind conditioned to behave this way.
Through time, our mind gets adjusted to a certain set of behaviours. We tend to react in the same way given the same situations.
The challenge lies in refraining from doing things expected. The thrill of surprising yourself is amazing in itself.
Each time i get angry, i try to resist the temptation of pouting and displaying my anger. I try to be silent, trying to listen to myself.
I have learnt viewing your own life objectively like an outsider helps in seeing things differently. When you are in the storm-centre, it can be hard to rationalize things. It helps to view things outside of the happenings.
So all in all, next time try to challenge yourself in whatever ways you like.:)
That's it for now :)