From time immemorial, i have always had a soft corner for the underdog. I always support the less famous when watching any sport. I always badly want them to win no matter what. It dont know why my instincts are soo strong when it comes to this. Maybe it could have a history lying with me ;)
Well you could call me an underdog too. I have never been among the favorites at school, college et al. But I always loved to prove people wrong. I wanted to be that sudden wonder. A surprise topper, surprise winner. It gave me a weird pleasure :P
I have never liked it that people have great expectations from me to deliver every time. I like to mellow down, perform low and then perform high. Especially when people least expect from you.
That's what i like about an underdog. That's why i started supporting Nadal in tennis. He was one of the few who could give Federer a run for his money. Federer is too perfect to believe. I like real men. Men who do mistakes, who try hard. Nadal always impressed me with that. Though he wasnt as perfect, he was a champion. He stood up against every other person who questioned his ability and performed soo well, people were forced to love him. i have always had a fetish for rebels :P someone who would prove the world wrong. Maybe that rebel streak was too strong in me since childhood. Poor my mom :) :)
I have always been great friends with such people even at work. I somehow innately find such people :) and find them really attractive.. :)
Salute and love all such rebels :D :D